After four days in Amsterdam I flew to Milan, rented a car and drove up to Morgex in the Aosta Valley to visit my good friend Diego.

Diego is the owner of La Maison de Lise. A place I have no problem recommending for a stay in a perfectly gorgeous part of the world.

I had serious back issues leaving Amsterdam, partially the squash training, partially the standing in line at Schipol and partially the drive to Aosta (roughly two hours via the Autostrada).

Regardless, I was committed to getting in a couple of hikes/Via ferrata.

With it being the first week of October, everything was dependent on the weather and the weather did not dissapoint.

I had three full days in Morgex and each day was sunny, +20 Celsius. Absolutely perfect.

Very rare to have this cloud free view of the Mont Blanc Range

While I have done the Via Ferrata at Rhemes Notre Dame many times, I did have a bit of fear factor on the Tibetan bridge. Strange!

I got five metres in and started to shake. Twenty metres still to go. I stopped, rationalized my fear, figured I would be pissed if I turned around and then went on.

Perhaps it was because I was alone this trip and unable to share the fear with Kristin. Who knows.

It was a perfect day, only one other group on the mountain, a group of ten on a bonding exercise from the nearby national park. One woman, hysterical with fear. Not good!

  • Here is a link to the Via Ferrata (Casimiro) near Rhemes Notre Dame: Via Ferrata Casimiro on Google Maps
  • This Via makes a perfect introduction to the sport. There is a short and a long version. The hardest part is about 5 minutes in, a crux of sorts that is easy enough to figure out and it takes roughly 3 hours to complete the first time.
What better way to end a day in the mountains. A delicious beer in Aosta.