Frontenac Park is about 45 minutes or less north of Kingston and while it has camping all the campsites are backcountry; hike in or canoe in.

Avery had joined us from the US, her first visit during the pandemic and as such, had to endure two weeks of quarantine in Kristin’s basement.

She came well prepared, packing her Playstation and survived it nicely until the last couple days. The last couple days were a bit tedious!

The moment she was done quarantine, we headed to Frontenac Park for a couple nights of camping. The Kids would be hiking to our spot, Kristin and I would be taking the canoe.

This being mid October, the start was cold about 4 degrees Celsius and we were paddling into the wind. Ugh. We did however warm up once we got paddling.

Day 1, pretty much perfect weather but we knew that day 2 held the threat of rain later in the day.

Day 2 the rain held off until about 10pm. Crazy wind blew the tent windows out of the kids tent. Not good. We anchored as much as we could with rocks and in the end managed to stay reasonably dry overnight.

Not a great night sleep though with rain lashing against the tents and the wind roaring outside.

With the bad weather overnight we woke up to light rain; put on the gear, jammed everything in the packs, sent the girls on their way and myself and Kristin back in the canoe.

Rained for the first 45 minutes, but warmer weather than our first day! Of course we paddled against the wind again!

Frontenac Park is beautiful and the perfect way to have an accessible wilderness experience via canoe or hike.